Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Beachy Essay on The Point

Kyle "The Point" Beachy
What a supremely minor thing! A button that says “like.” But what other habit so minor, besides breathing, or rinsing hands, or perhaps doubting oneself, do we respect with such tiny fervor?
-Kyle Beachy, The Point

Roosevelt Assistant Professor, Kyle Beachy, has a mini-essay on The Point, that can be read here! In Point "47", Kyle confronts modern punctuation, language, and more, in under 200 words! More Points at The Point, can be viewed here

Chicago-based The Point, publishes a print journal twice a year. Their website features content from the magazine and original articles. They are always looking for reviews, essays on contemporary arts and culture, and new Points, which is a short format for ideas.  Do you have something to say about literature, theater, film, philosophy, ethics, sports, economics, politics, nature, metaphysics, art, culture, or  Check out their submission guidelines, read their essays, and submit

1 comment:

tm burstein said...

Great essay, Kyle! Really enjoyed it.