Monday, August 1, 2011

Stachniak Poem Published in Word Riot

Zander Stachniak, current MFA candidate in poetry, not only has the honor of having the second best name starting with "Z" (after Zoilo), but now has a poem published in Word Riot! Appropriately titled, "How to Survive a Hangover: Jeff Goldblum Describes How He Knows that Today is Going to be Worse than Yesterday", the poem uses intense literary language in the most concise space imaginable. Check it out here. See what people are talking about!

Word Riot is sort of a big deal. It's been around since 2002 and has published up-and-coming writers. They like edgy! They like challenging! They like unique voices! Luckily for them, Zander has been described as all of those things, in many different contexts. So it's a perfect fit! Zander is a co-assistant editor and copyeditor at Ghost Ocean Magazine. He also has work published in Future Cycle Poetry, The Driftwood Review, and The Medulla Review.

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