Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Announcing the End of Semester Reading

I know, you're about to book your flight home for the holidays or you're dreaming up a tan from the Galapagos so you don't look so pasty. You just want to know WHEN? When can your flight take off? When can you celebrate the holidays and forget all about your thesis and all those lit mags you're waiting to hear from and leave that british novel anthology that's giving you back problems behind? You've already packed your bags, when can you go?

Well, don't dash off before Thursday December 16th because that is the evening of our End of the Semester Reading! We will be gathering at the Book Cellar to share our work and enjoy the book nook and cafe of this Lincoln Square establishment. You might even make a friend who will help you put sunscreen on that hard to reach spot on your shoulders. Stay tuned to the blog for more details, but book that flight for the 17th.

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