Friday, February 24, 2012

Two Roosevelt MFA events that will take the panic out of "post-graduation-panic"

One of the nasty bits of information which MFA students like to ignore is that MFA programs end.  Yes, there will be years and years of life after you cast off from the friendly shores of MFA-island, and what you do with that voyage can be a daunting task.  Especially, because, looking at the map, there are dragons out there.  
...Figurative dragons, of course.
Luckily, there  are two MFA-related events happening at Roosevelt next week designed to help make the terrifying post-grad school period ever-so-slightly-less terrifying.  First, on Monday, Roosevelt MFA Non-fiction fanatic Tovah Burstein (seriously folks, she’s so devoted non-fiction she looses every hand of poker she plays) will be leading a cover letter writing workshop. 

Cover letter fears?  Tovah's got your back!
The workshop will teach you how to wow prospective employers with both rhetorical flourishes and no-nonsense straight talk.   It will take place at noon this coming Monday, in the Roosevelt Writing Center Annex (Auditorium Building room 648).

Without publishers, these people would all be holding grapefruits or rubik's cubes.

But let’s say you’re not interested in cover letters.  You refuse to be bound by the shackles of “regular paychecks” and “health insurance”  and “gainful employment.”   For the uncompromising writers among us, we have, next Wednesday, a panel featuring a wide variety of publishing industry vets.   The panel will feature literary agent Ethan Bassoff, Random House editor Tim O'Connell, and Red Hen editor and publisher Kate Gale.  Bring your questions, your (publishing-related) dreams, your writerly nightmares, and hear from people who do this for a living how it is done.  That panel will take place next Wednesday, February 29th in Auditorium Building room 232.  If you plan to attend that one, you should e-mail Scott Blackwood at sblackwood (at) roosevelt (dot) edu. 

Come to one, come to both, and be able to strut into the AWP conference with the confidence that you, good sir or madam, now know the tricks of the post-mfa-life trade.  

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