Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Roosevelt End of Semeter Reading is TOMORROW

Yep,  ol' Poochie isn't lying to you- another Roosevelt MFA semester is rapidly coming to a close.  While this news understandably provokes a base amount of melancholy because some members of the RU community are moving on, and there will be a few months where this blog won't regularly dispense hastily- photoshopped basset hound pictures, don't despair! Tomorrow night at 7 PM, the Book Cellar will play host to the Roosevelt MFA End of Semester Reading.

Come hear the earth-shattering fiction, hail-provoking non-fiction, and volcano-erupting poetry that Roosevelt students have been writing recently. A great way to cap off a storied semester.
You said it, Poochie.  You said it.

See you there, friend!

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